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Within the brief
period of a year, since its incorporation, this Chamber had the
unique privilege of the visits by the leading members of the
Viceroys Executive Council and the members of the Central board
of revenue, apart from those of the heads of Administration of
this Province.
The Chamber was
invited in the month May 1933 to lead evidence before the Joint
Select parliament committee on Indian Constitutional reforms in
order to place before that committee the case of Indian Commerce
and Industry of the United Provinces with particular reference
to the inadequacy or otherwise of representation of Commercial
Committee in Provincial Legislature as the allocation of only
three seats in the Legislative assembly for commerce and
Industry was considered wholly inadequate and unfair in the
context of Importance of commerce and industry of UP. A plea for
equal representation of European and India Interests in the UP
Assembly was put forward. The delimitation committee while
recognizing the claims of the Chamber for electoral privileges
in connection with the reformed UP Assembly recommended the
Constitution of Chamber as a constituency.(1937-1950)
BY the year 1939
this Chamber had developed into such a mighty organization of
the varied business interests in this state that even in the
national economic stage this Chambers' participation was sought
by both the government and the legislature of those days. In
fact the Governors of UP made use of this Chamber as platform
for the expression of Governments views on economic questions of
those days year after year, in the absence of popular
legislatures functioning in the Province.
This Chamber's
efforts in developing indigenous industries designed to prop up
munitions production and war requirements were lauded on all
hands by both the governments of those days and the opposition
in Legislature.
The Council of
Chamber for the year 1953 submitted a two hundred page
comprehensive memorandum containing general observation on the
fundamental issues involved in the enquiry CONDUCTED BY THE
Taxation Enquiry Commission. Later, a Central as hoc body
consisting of representative of different commercial
organization such as Chambers of commerce, Trade Association and
Employers organizations functioning in the State was constituted
with the Chamber's Secretariat as the Secretariat of this ad hoc
body. This body SELECTED Sir Padampat Singhania as the Chairman,
Leader and spokesman for UP and adopted the Chambers' Memorandum
as fully representing the views of all sections of business and
Industry in UP Oral evidence was led before the commission in
the month of April 1954 on various aspects of Taxation. The
evidence of the ad hoc body evoked considerable appreciation on
commission and the Government of UP and some suggestions made by
the Chamber were incorporated in the recommendation of the
The Finance
Minister, UP invited Chamber in 1953 to work up details
including legislative measure for the establishment and
operation of finance Corporation to aid small scale and cottage
industries and to submit the same to him as soon as possible
After a good deal of deliberation over the issue and after
considering the problem in all aspects, tentative proposals were
formulated by the Chamber regarding the formation, constitution
and administration of the Corporation and the was forward to the
Government of UP. The Government took decisive step during the
year 1954 in respect of the establishment of the UP Financial
The Chambers
Contribution in reshaping the UP Sales Tax Act was acknowledged
by then Chief Minister of U.P. Pt Govind Ballabh Pant and the
Chamber earned the appreciation of UP Government for this
service. So far almost all representation made of this subject
by the Chamber has evoked favourable response from UP
The Chamber led
evidence before the Indian Company Law Reforms committee in the
year 1951 and advocated the need for free and unfettered
transfer of shares by a company to their rightful owners and the
consequent registration of such transfers by the company
concerned. Certain valuable suggestions for incorporation in the
Indian Companies Act with a review to simplifying its
administration and rendering its previous clear and workable
were offered. Most of the suggestions made by the Chamber were
found incorporated in the new companies Act which was passed by
the parliament and is now in force.
Late Prime
Minister Jawaharlal Nehru inaugurated the Silver Jubilee
Celebrations of this Chamber on November 29, 1957. It was an
occasion to reaffirm that the Chamber had rendered useful
service in the cause of industry and commerce of India of
general and of Uttar Pradesh in particular.
In the allotment
of Coal Transport of coal for UP as a whole between 1950-60 the
Chamber played a prominent role along side the State Government.
The setting up of
the Board of apprenticeship Training to impart practical
Training Technically educated was done after the chambers'
delegation led by Sir Padampat Singhania pleaded its necessity
before the tast force on Technical education headed by Dr.
Trigun Sen on 16.4.1965.
Chamber undertook
a special study of the working of VAT System in the EEC
countries at considerable expense as long back as 1968.
Dr. Sampurnanand,
then Chief Minister of UP accorded to the chamber a unique
privilege to address a meeting of MP's from UP which he had
convened to sponsor industries to UP with central assistance
both in public sector and the Private Sector.
The chamber kept
on representing to the government the under utilization of
Natural resources for power generation and the suffering of
Industry due to shortage of Power. His Excellency Dr. M Channa
Reddy said during the inaugural session of 43rd Annual General
Meeting on 23rd Sept.1975 that he saw no reason why these
resources must not be used for the prosperity of State.
The Chamber
submitter its recommendations for abolition of Octroi,
rationalisation of Taxes to Indirect Taxation Enquiry Committee
led by Sri L.K.Jha on 30 July 1976 and Views were submitted to
review the companies act and the MRTP Act 1969 for removal of
anomalies to the Sachar committee set up by Government of India
in 1977
The Chamber's
efforts in April 1981 to set up a body to take up the grievance
of the Industries with the Government resulted in setting up of
Udyog Bandhu.
Late Smt.
Indira Gandhi inaugurated the Golden Jubilee Celebrations of
the Chamber on May 1, 1983.
President of
India H.E Smt. Pratibha d. Patil inaugurated the Platinum
Jubilee Celebrations of the Merchants' chamber of UP on
Sri Laxmi Narain
Agarwal President MCUP was nominated on the State Vat Committee
in 2009. His contribution to the cause of Trade & Industry is
- Dr. Manmohan Singh Hon'ble Prime Minister of India has visited MCUP as Chief Guest on the 125th birth Anniversary Celebrations of our Founder Lala Kamlapat Singhania, on 3rd July 2010.
Message from President
Welcomes to the official page of Merchant Chambers of Uttar Pradesh, where we are passionately working towards shaping the 'Kanpur Vision.'
Kanpur, a city with a rich history and boundless potential, has always been at the heart of our endeavour.
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